Though the main event of the ‘Lotus Festival’ is held in the ‘Black Lotus Temple’ - a large inn where the patrons are treated like royalty. The Kamina hosts dress in luxurious robes and show each of the patrons to a room specially designed to pander to their every need - they’re fed exotic foods and drink, bathed in sensually scented baths before bed by the Kamina host.
Since the Kamina are an all-female race they are unable to breed among their own - so they hold this event once a year to conceive the larger part of their next generation with the male and hermaphrodite patrons that visit the ‘Black Lotus Temple’.
Females are also welcome to the Temple event and are entertained in the same way as the Male and hermaphrodite patrons - this is mostly for fun, companionship and affection.
Of course, this isn’t the only occasion the Kamina conceive, they find lovers, companions in their everyday lives. Whilst the Kamina need a male or hermaphrodite partner to conceive - they’re open and loving to all genders.
This extravagant event also features ‘Ayla’s Spirit’ a name given to a ritual where everyone can take part in releasing a pink lantern into the sky to symbolise the ‘Free Spirit’. An action of remembrance of the Kamina’s Goddess Ayla, the Kamina who conjured the ‘Roots of Annihilation’ spell to end the Reign of the Ancients and set Aultora free. This is a festival of freedom, spirit and new life.