Rawkken horns are made up of a matter called Ethereal - their appearance resembles a crystal that churns with specks of light and ribbons of colour. The Rawkken describe the Ethereal as ‘Eyes of The Ancestors’ believing the spirits of the Oryalis can see into the world of the living, through them.
Their Ethereal horns grant the Rawkken a unique ability to pass into their own Oryalis Realm physically, within their realm they’re able to counsel with spirits. Knowledge is their life, purpose and currency - it’s everything to the Rawkken, and through the Oryalis they can delve into the beginnings and ends of great historic achievements, wars or even ancient techniques for blacksmithing, arts or old knowledge on how to heal certain illnesses.
The knowledge they gain within their Oryalis Realm is stored and protected there by the spirits themselves; this is called, The Oryalis Chronicles.
The Oryalis is separated into different territories; Gold, Ruby, Jade, Amethyst, Amber and Rose - each of them named for the shade of their Ethereal Realm and each have their own Spiritual purpose and knowledge.